Thursday, April 8, 2010

pousser un soupir de soulagement

You know how you heave a sigh of relief once you realize you've just managed to let yourself off the hook? Like when you finish that question in the exam paper just before the invigilator instructs for pens to be put down? Or when you reach your car just in time before the lady in white punches your plate number into her cool electronic gadget? Or when you see many coins in your wallet when you realize you haven't topped up your EZ link card? Or when Nicklas Bendtner strikes in injury time yet again? Well, you get the idea. Let's just say TeamCuzz faced similar elements in the latest match against Team Fugu. Lots of it.

It began with the weather. With dark clouds and pouring rain all over Singapore, and a (just one) lightining piercing through the Jurong sky as some of TeamCuzz players were gearing up, hopes were dampened as to whether the trip to the wild west was in vain. Then the referee blew his whistle. *sigh*

As TeamCuzz stepped onto the pitch, the refeee counted and recounted the number of players that TeamCuzz fielded, as though it was as confusing as his 'one side red, the other side yellow' card trick. His reasoning was simple, as he asked "How can you be 2nd in the standings and not have sufficient players?" *referee's sigh* To some extent, he was mocking TeamCuzz's professionalism, perhaps shooting themselves in the foot for letting such issues get in the way in the chase for top spot. He was understanding enough to start the game 5 minutes later, but it didn't prove sufficient. As TeamCuzz started the game in a peculiar formation with players deployed in makeshift positions, then came 3 more players into the packed stadium. *slightly heavy sigh*

Dominating the game rather convincingly after reinforcements arrived, TeamCuzz was shocked to be a goal down as the slippery ground deceived our stand-in custodian Farhan. Normal order resumed after that, with TeamCuzz dominating play with at least 86% of possession and yet find it impossible to conjure up an equaliser. When Hyder played a through ball to Haikal, many would have guessed that a Fugu defender will somehow appear and intercept. Many would have been wrong. For once, the interception was a poor one, and it ended up in the path of Shukur who, in all fairness, couldn't miss even if he had his legs tied together. *even heavier sigh*

Knowing a point will not be good enough, TeamCuzz went for the offensive yet again, with the possession reaching an astonishing 94% in their favour. With Fugu restricted to camp in their own half, fans were wondering if they could use the other half of the pitch to play 7-aside soccer among themselves. As it has been the case lately, TeamCuzz love to have fans seating at the edge of their seats till the very end. As the game wore on, TeamCuzz's frustration rose exponentially as the finishing touch never came. And then came a hopefully cross by Joseph, and what seemed an equally hopefully shot by Imran. Though the shot looked tame in the naked eyes of many, it was perfectly measured for the GK to think he caught it, have a moment of complacency then let it slip under him to trickle pass the goal line, all in the matter of a split-split second. *absolutely heavier sigh*

TeamCuzz let their foot off the gas thereafter, giving Fugu a chance back into the game. There were a few good plays put together by the opposition, creating a nervy end to the game. At the melodious sound of the referee's whistle, there was no doubt anymore. *running-out-of-ideas sigh*

And by now you should have a good clue what the title of this post is all about. Nope? *ran-out-of-ideas sigh*

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