Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eid dul Adha Mubarak

This is that time of the year when all kinds of great stories on all types of sacrifices made are remembered and reflected upon. In line with that, TeamCuzz would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who have sacrificed for the sake of TeamCuzz.

Our heartfelt thanks to TeamCuzz's management for the effort & time in chartering TeamCuzz's course, to families (parents, siblings, wives & children) for understanding and supporting TeamCuzz's cause, to sponsors who part ways with their hard-earned money to support TeamCuzz's funds, to people who did the laundry after every match, to people who make drinks for us during every match, to people who provide transportation for easier accessibility to all kinds of pitches everywhere before every match, to that little boy clad in Ronaldinho's Brazil jersey whose presence reminds us all the very excitement of just meeting fellow relatives every week. And finally, to all TeamCuzz players who sacrificed their time and effort to continue this amazing TeamCuzz journey. TeamCuzz will not be around if not for all of you.

This must have sounded like a winning speech when Mariah Carey or Ramli Sarip wins some singing award. Difference - TeamCuzz truly means it.

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