Sunday, January 9, 2011

TeamCuzz Marks ESPZEN Return with Win

A composed team performance by TeamCuzz saw them triumph 3-2 over former nemesis Redsaga (now known as RedsagaII). Playing at their jinxed ground and clad in their less-than-preferred Black jersey, the win enabled TeamCuzz to start the season positively.

Managing his 1st competitive TeamCuzz game, Manager Shahrudin set out his charges in a conservative formation, relying on a rather experienced defensive unit while allowing the younger, fresher legs to run riot in the opponent's half. It paid off, with TeamCuzz dominating the game from the word go. While the backline provided the foundation for TeamCuzz to spring attacks forward, the midfield worked tirelessly to dictate the tempo of the game while the front trio caused all sorts of problems with their off-the-ball running.

Happy jump-shot from the ever-cheerful Nabil; waterboys at work.

Syazrin was singled out by the manger for his overall contribution, highlighted with 2 well-taken goals. His first was finished with aplomb using his left foot, after being put through superbly by Khairil. Faizul had earlier disposessed the opposing attacker and set the attack going (note: I was forced to report this). His second was a well-taken header, climbing highest to meet Saifuddin's freekick. Between those 2 strikes, Haidhar had given TeamCuzz a slight lead 2-1 at the end of the 1st half, coolly lifting the ball over Redsaga's goalie when given time and space in the box.

The manager, all tensed up; our new stand-in goalie Helmi; TeamCuzz's dominance of midfield proven.

"The scoreline might suggest that the match was closer than it truly was. We had numerous chances to put more light betweem us and them, none more closer than rattling the crossbar twice, though I must say the player who hit both shots showed magnificient technique which I don't and will never possess," said TeamCuzz's resident leftback, Faizul. He added, " While we are happy with the win, the goals we conceeded have taken some gloss off it. We should have prevented such soft goals from going in. Just imagine if Fazlon wasn't there to clear the ball off the line?"

3 of 5 of our magnificient backline; Syazrin doing a "stand up if you think you are the Man-of-the-Match" routine.
While TeamCuzz had a comfortable outing, they should not deceive themselves that RedsagaII is the same outfit of the past. Bearing that in mind, TeamCuzz should reset their mindset to avoid any air complacency from brewing and prepare for a whole new battle in the next game.

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