Sunday, April 24, 2011

TeamCuzz Slips Up & Waves the White Flag

Well, well, well. Here we are now, sitting & understanding how Cesc Fabregas truly feels. After grinding out victories for several weeks, TeamCuzz finally succumbed to slipping up against a much-determined Dynamites outfit who had at least 20 players in all. And their goalkeeper, defenders and one particular defensive midfielder was in solid form (we understood where their determination came from after reading their match report). That said, we have no one but ourselves to blame for the 1st blank of the season - countless gilt-edge chances we had, and just many we missed.

But just as Mia from Papadom rightly said it, those who regret & ponder the what-ifs are not grateful as to the blessings that is in front of them. And we are certainly grateful to Him for the wonderful season that we had, and for the team that we formed.

Contrary to what the result might suggest, we did manage to rectify the 2 wrongs from the previous match with Dynamites - one, we bombarded Dynamites goal so much they were reduced to just 2 tame shots on target for the entire game (winning easily was the least of their concerns) and two, they got our name right in the their match report.

But the result meant TeamCuzz finally waves the white flag and paves the way for FMFC & Sufi to battle it out for the title. As such, we will no longer force those walking wounded to play through the pain. Those officially on the injury list is expected to use the remainder of the season to get themselves in good shape and condition in preparation for the upcoming season. TeamCuzz will also be looking to beef up the team, with at least 3 players expected to be (re)joining the team in the close season.

1) Please recite Al-Fatiha for Dynamites' late friend/player. This was the same person whom Naufal was talking about a week ago.

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