Monday, November 10, 2008

Is it "too late to apologise"?

Dear FC MBOG (TeamCuzz to be exact)

I am representing my team, Mercury Reds. My name is Shawn ("HBK" Michaels). My team consist of our manager Vince (McMahon), and players Randy (Orton), John (Cena), Dave (Batista), Ric (Flair), Bam Bam (Bigelow) and Ta (tanka). Do note that Golberg was part of our team too, but he left us 2 weeks back to join Chesire. I have taken some time off my busy schedule to write to you with regards to our match this past Saturday.

First and formeost, I would like to congratulate you for the 3-0 win. We have to admit that you deserve them. I would also like to congratulate your number 25 for the superb hat-trick he scored that day. Let me just remind you that his first was a perfectly executed bicycle kick, second a fine diving header and the third, the best of the lot, a scorcher from beyond the half way line. Let me now go on to inform you all the reasons that we 'played' so badly that day.

Our watches are not automatically adjusted for the different GMT in different countries. We travel alot you see - LA on one night, Rome the next, then off to Cairo and finally to your lovely Singapore City. All this led to our watches being set 2 hours behind time, hence making us think that kickoff was at 5 instead of 3. How dumb of us huh? Where do you think "all brawn, no brain" came from?

Letz face it, we are at the bottom of the league. What do you expect us to do? Play, get tired, still finish last and miss Samir Nasri's brace against ManU? That wouldn't make any sense, would it?

It was all actually part of our strategy. It is called damage control. Our manager was well aware of the rules, that a walkover would constitute a 3 nil loss to the team who doesn't turn up without any fines whatsoever. We did a cost-benefit analysis, and based on your past performances, we anticipate that the cost we would have suffered would have been much more. We would rather sacrifice our 70bux and the 3points rather than risk losing our pride when you whoop us 16-0. Smart, arent we?

*scratches head for a final reason* Oh oh, we were there. U mean you didn't see us??? Chua Chu Kang Sec ryte?

With that, I would like to extend my apologies to all your players who made the effort to come down. To those who left their newborn to come, we salute your commitment. To those who left your pens and books at home, we salute your passion. To those who came from a friend's wedding, we salute your dedication. To those who brought their children to cheer the team, and those who came from far for their debut, we salute your "ran-out-of-vocab" tion. Well, you get the idea....we appreciate your attendance.

Plus, we were informed that you had a good training session that day. Well, almost everybody scored, or so it seemed. The bottomline was you managed to play a different style - long balls, switch play, wing play etc. Given a more forgiving weather, it could have been even more fruitful than it already was.

With that I conclude with another apology. Sorry if I broke any of your hopes, and heart too. After all, I am the Heart Break Kid remember? Hope it is not too late to apologise. Or is it?

Shawn Michaels
Invisible Mercury Reds FC

TeamCuzz (v invisible Mercury Reds on 8Nov) - Aush, Saifudin, Khairul, Faizul, Khairil, Fazlon, Khairi, Shukur, Imran, Shahrudin, Faisal, Fajar Syawal, Syafiq, Syafiq's friend(was it Khairudin???)

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