Monday, November 10, 2008


For the benefit of those who are not aware, our TeamCuzz funds are running thin. I think our dear treasurer will give us another comprehensive financial statement soon.

As far as I know, there were several changes made to the payment for the funds. This is a very brief update. The Treasury Department is the department to confirm this.

1) Saifudin & Syafiq has been upgraded to "Working plan". Well, as much as it sounds good, what that means is they each have to pay 10 dollars every month now. Oh, that is good! This decision was based on the consensus from the majority. Do check with Treasurer as for when it takes effect. Faizul will be upgraded to a similar plan when he enters NS in April 2009.

2) In view of holding friendly matches in Decmber, all players are urged to pay up if they have not already done so. I do not have access to the list now, but here's a guide to know how many months you have still not paid.

Quick Guide to knowing how much to pay

(Ur thoughts => Response from "Voice of TeamCuzz" => The number of months u owe)

Hey, I haven't been coming down lately. That's why I have not tracked the months I still owe. It's not that I don't want to pay... => Nice try bro. But at least u still inform. Keep that up. => U have not paid for 1-2 months.

Hey, didn't I pay 25 bux the last time? Remember the one we got together at Afghanistan Restaurant??? => Well bro, that was 4 months ago. And even that went straight to the Samtas league registration, not the fund. => U have not paid for 3-4 months.

Who is our treasurer again??? => Did u pay via cheque or ibanking? Yup, I guess not bro. => U have not paid for 5-6 months.

We have a TeamCuzz fund??? => Bro, U myte as well just pass us ALL your gst credits. We'll never bother u again, not untill it dries up at least. => U have not paid for more than 7 months.

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