Thursday, February 19, 2009

TeamCuzz Features on "Focus on Football"

ESPM. Channel 1919. Time: 2030hrs.

Focus on Football is an initiative by ESPM for discussions on what's happening in and around the world of football. Well, it basically just discusses the progress of TeamCuzz. Timeslots are not fixed, with it being highly dependent on how hardworking and free someone really is.

John Dikes (JD): Welcome to another round of Focus on Football. Well you know our panel - Shabby S (SS), Poll Mazefil (PM) and a our special guest for tonyte, Inter Milan's Portuguese manager, Juse Mourinho (JM). Welcome guys.

Panel: Welcome John (a subtle "I am the Special One" was heard in the background)

JD: (dismisses what he thinks was just his imagination) Well fellas, our main topic for discussion today is this new-team-on-da-block, TeamCuzz. Well, thatz what we're discussing every episode actually. If you have not heard who they are, here's a quick recap :

Voice Over -Formed officially 3 years ago, TeamCuzz comprises of cousins who ......... A brand new type of football is born, with the change of management in recent times. Since then, they have managed high scoring games, both winning and losing. What is in store for this unique team? Honours, or more honours?

SS: (Noticing the 1919 on the logo) Oh yea John, I've heard of them. Played with them when I was the Malaysian Captain back then. (JD coughs, but was totally ignored) Dollah Kassim, Zainal Abidin, Naplah to name a few...Technical players they all are.

JD: Well Shabz, didn't you hear the voice over? They were formed just a few years back, and they are all cousins. But you are half-right, this group of players are very technical, and they are bonded by the number 1919. It is still unknown where they derived that number from. Do you, Shabz?

SS: (smiling sheepishly) Hmmm of coz I do John.

JD: I'm sure Shabz. Moving on to our discussion proper. TeamCuzz started their season with all guns blazing, notching a handsome 8 nil victory over CRFC. Then, they went down helplessly to perennial powerhouses ISA a week back, before coming back strongly to return to the league's summit with a thumping 5-1 win. What do you make of this roller coaster set of results, Poll?

PM: Well, to start off with, nobody guessed they could start off on such a high flying note. I saw the game, and the referee had to step in to keep that scoreline in check, if it wasnt already too late. Following that, their unbeaten run came to a screeching halt with a 5-1 defeat in the hands of ISA. They had no say in that game, but it came as no surprise since TeamCuzz were made to wear their blue away jerseys after ISA demanded they wear their royal yellow. How absurd! The scoreline would have been reversed otherwise, assuming faster legs, brimming confidence and horse's stamina came along with their yellow Salming. For those who don't know, Salming is a Swedish brand apparently.

SS: To add on John, that game marked a debut for TeamCuzz's youth team's youth team coach, Faizul. In the latecoming of the Manager & absence of his Assistant, the stand-in gaffer gave his version of the hair dryer treatment. On second thoughts, i take that back. Nevertheless, it brought drastic consequences as reflected in the scoreline.

JD: What is good to see though is that in spite of the loss, TeamCuzz came home with their spirits barely affected. This high morale should be kept flying always no matter what the results might be. It was a very good indication then of what blood ties could do. Any inputs Jose?

JM: I am the special one! Shut up Makelele!

JD: Right Jose. Well, the papers in London reported an urgent meeting was called upon to address that defeat, and everything else that has happened. The Sun reported "8 TeamCuzz spotted somewhere very, very close to Safra"; Daily Mail - "Formations, Lime Juice & Gardenia." What do you think went on there Shabz?

SS: Well my Malaysian sources stated that they were just realligning their objectives for the season, ironing out the nitty gritty details which we all know are part and parcel of team-building. Among others, they decide to reward themselves with a friendly game at the nearby Safra Pitch sometime in the not-so-soon-future. Suggestions in the form of inviting the rest of KH to enjoy in the nyte of fun was considered and will be decided once the slot is booked. An international match with my fellow countrymates was also considered. Next, a medic bag with its bare neccessties of spray, ice pack and bandages will be prepared for every game. This is definitely essential, but someone will need to be delegated to take stock of this.

PM: Well, that's more towards the running of the team. The highlight for the meeting was the discussion of their formation and tactics for games, and addressing the roles that players will play throughout the season. As far as I know, they will be playing in the usual ****(censored for obvious reasons). It's a formation most know, and shall be leveraged upon. Fazlon will also be delegated as the main penalty-taker, with the threat of 5 year absence from penalty kick duties if he were ever to miss any.

JD: You could call that motivation. Or not. In the most recent game that they played, they rebounded off from the heavy defeat with a convincing victory. Seems like the meeting did have an effect Poll...

PM: Well, it definitely did John. Players were starting to feel at home playing in their respective positions, showcasing discipline and hunger to do well for the team. What is amazing is the team turnout though. 17 players for a league game? Thatz amazing!!! & everyone came on time I heard...

SS: Are you kidding me Poll? Thatz totally nonsense. If not for an opponent which came so much later, they could have started with lesser than 11 on the pitch. Even then, there were players slotted in makeshift positions which they weren't familiar with. This should not be the case for a team aiming for top honours. It should be noted by all players that insufficient players might result in a walkover i.e. fork out another $150 unnecessarily, gift of 3 point and 3 goals to opponents & deduction of 1 point for us. It's an accumulation of all these punishments, not a choice. Hence, they should implement a 2.15 arrival, 2.30 warm-up, & 2.45 teamtalk for each and every league game in the future. Provided it starts at 3 of cause. This should be strictly adhered to by everyone. (Thinking it is his own talkshow, he went on to ask JD to explain in greater details the highlights of the match).

JD: (As sarcastic as he could possibly be) Glad you asked Shabz. Well, to start with, it was a makeshift defence which was put on the field. With Naufal and Fazlon at fullback positions, Saifudin was drited in to central defence to partner Khairi. That took time to stabilise, and an early goal was gifted to the opponents, courtesy of a perfectly placed header by Ben Affleck. It wasn't long then that TeamCuzz started getting into their grooves, with beatiful link-up play all over the pitch. The equaliser came a few minutes later, when Shahrudin picked himself up after being rudely slapped across the face like Kurt Angle used to do in the WWE. With only one thought in mind, he aimed for the top corner from 24.3560976 yards out. With momentum in their stride, they made the opponents pay with 2 goals in quick succession. The first was a sweetly taken volley from the ever-so-confident Shukur, and the second from a neat 1-2 by Shikin and Amirul, with the latter finishing for his third of the season. I'm tired Poll, could you please continue?

PM: Sure will John. The gaffer made several changes at half-time. He brought on the returning Muhd into central defence to form a formidable partnership with Herri. Cameo appearances were awarded to Luqman & Faizul, while Faisal made his first league appearance after his training stint with Suwon Cold Wings in Korea. The shape didn't change much, and neither did the outcome of the game. TeamCuzz pressed on further and put more light between themselves and their opponents, with Shikin chasing down a loose pass before converting confidently. The final goal, though, was most celebrated, depsite the way it was scored. Faisal, unslefishly laid the ball in the path of Faizul, who in all honesty, could not miss even if he kicked it with his right. The celebration that followed though was the highlight, exactly reminding fans what Pippo Inzaghi used to do in his days at Juventus & Milan. Yup, that was how the match went. 5-1 in TeamCuzz's favour.

SS: (purring to himself) That's all??. How could you forget the yellow cards brandished by the refree? Fazlon was cautioned in the 1st half for his less than sincere hug on an opponent. Riduan was also cautioned in the 2nd half, with his claims of not hearing porperly having been working near aeroplanes immediately dismissed by the referee. Oh, and how could you forget the acrobatics of Naufal? That deserves special mention by itself, on top of the excellent performance he put out in his less than familiar position at right back. Amazing stuff there!

JD: And that about wraps up this week's episode of Focus on Football. Any final thoughts guys?

SS: The jury is still out on TeamCuzz. Whether they are able to sustain the momentum and high-spirits will determine how well they will do this season.

PM: All the best TeamCuzz! The next game will be a true test of your ability to perform in big matches. The outcome will pave the way for your season ahead.

JD: Jose?

JM: TeamCuzz, you are the Special Ones!!! (As voted by the shameless majority)

TeamCuzz (v ISA on 14 Feb) - Aril, Sarip, Khairul, Herri, Fazlon, Imran, Khairil, Riduan, Shahril, Shikin, Shukur, Shahrudin, Naufal, Amirul.

TeamCuzz (v Dynamo on 21 Feb) - Sarip, Naufal, Fazlon, Khairi, Saifudin, Imran, Khairil, Riduan, Shikin, Shahrudin, Shukur, Amirul, Faisal, Muhd, Faizul, Luqman, Shahril.

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