Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Head held high despite lost

Regent, CCK - TeamCuzz overcame their worst nightmare when they faced Irish giants, Gaelic Lions last Saturday. Despite the 2 nil loss, they could be proud of a commendable team performance, capped by the outstanding performance by 2 veterans, leftback Fazlon & defensive midfielder Kamal. The former got the nod for the Man-of-the-Match accolade after a splendid defensive showing which saw him clear more balls than all other players combined.

"Despite the disappointment that TeamCuzz did not manage to get anything out of this game, the boys in yellow certainly showed their team spirit out there. Some had leg cramps but still continued, while others gave up their positions for more offensive ones in their bid to change the outcome of the game. This is a good show of confidence and that the team is developing," said Aik Tong Liekan, pitch warden of Regent Secondary School, in perfect Queen's English.

Despite the fair way in which the 2 goals were scored, there were insider's reports that the winners had tampered with their own equipment as well as TeamCuzz's. Avid fan, Morroccan Saelammy Compoose claimed, "There was no doubt that those humongous guys tampered with the equipment. When I went to the toilet to put on my blue contact lenses to appear Italian, I saw their no 44 putting vaselin on TeamCuzz's GK gloves. For the second goal, it was obvious that the lad changed his footwear from size 10 to size 15, making it inevitable that he managed to outstretch TeamCuzz's defenders to score." Other fans also question the fielding of number 26 aka Finley aka "I-throw-like-Rory-Delap", claiming WWE superstars should not be allowed to play as he kicks around and 'loves to fight.'

This is really interesting as there had been rumours on teamtock.com that TeamCuzz had planned some tampering of their own as well as signing WWE superstars prior to the game. We can only conclude that there is a mole in TeamCuzz (think biggest person in family) or that the Irish have started learning Malay as their second language. May TeamCuzz start learning another language real soon.

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