Saturday, July 4, 2009

TeamCuzz chalk first points of the New Season

Orchid Park, Yishun - In a thrilling encounter under Sahara-like conditions, TeamCuzz triumphed 4-2 over FC Premier. It marked TeamCuzz's first points for the new season after having to cruelly settle for 2 defeats in 2 despite dominating both games. TeamCuzz's turnout was an amazing 18, including 2 goalkeepers (yes 2!!!), an out-to-out striker, and a player-made-manager. It is reported that the latter, an integral member of TeamCuzz donning the number 11, might be out for 6 months. At this juncture, TeamCuzz's spokesperson seeks the deepest apology to that player-turned-manager, and hope he recovers soonest to join us on the pitch again.

Apart from the regulars, TeamCuzz paraded their new custodian Abdullah & welcomed back returning striker Hafizuddin. The custodian's move was sealed quickly in less than a week after rumours circulated that Real Madrid might be in the market for a replacement for Iker Casillas. The striker's move was slightly more complicated though, as had contemplated a move to TeamCuzz's cross town rivals, German Champions Wolfsburg, to partner with prolific Bosnian striker Edin Dzeko. However, some cajolling by TeamCuzz's agent & main talent scout, Swedish-born Wajero Fainesen, caused the stiker to make a dramatic U-turn & continue playing for TeamCuzz for another season. It must be noted though that just like Michael Owen, he will be used sparingly this season.

The match was an exciting one, particularly for TeamCuzz. With the mindset of achieving victory, they went in search of it from the word go. They kept a high tempo which gave the opponents little chance of settling down. The front 3 of Hafizzudin, Haikal & Faisal were tormenting their defence continously, while midfield trio Imran, Syukri & Hyder provided some creativity & stability in midfield. Despite their dominance, TeamCuzz did not manage to put their noses in front after some near misses. It was worrying for fans, with images from the first 2 games starting to appear in their ever-pessimistic minds.

Their persistence paid off soon after. After miscommunication by some opposing players, it left Haikal through on goal with only the goalkeeper to beat. As expected, the winger slotted home coolly for his 5th TeamCuzz goal. The goal woke the opponents a little, but TeamCuzz were fast enough to snuff it out from them with a well-taken goal from Hafizuddin. Broken boots and the ever-so-irritating stitches caused some unforseen changes to be made early in the first half. The change did little to have any significant effect on TeamCuzz's quest as a superb freekick from the left by Captain Shahrudin went straight in via the woodwork. 3 nil at halftime, and many fans were savouring the massacre that would take place in the second half.

The manager made sensible changes during the break to freshen up the team. With the confidence & an eye of going for more goals to balance their horrible goal difference in the league, TeamCuzz became less disciplined, thus leaving some room for the opponents to exploit & conjure attacks of their own. Debutant Abdullah was tested several times, but he always made sure those efforts were futile. However, he could do little to stop Premier's first goal when Syukri's off-the-line clearance went in off his back. With momentum on their side, Premier went in search for another goal & were duely rewarded in their very next attack.

Having quickly lost their 3-goal lead, it marked a tense period for TeamCuzz. Changes were made to reestablish some hold of the game. After Premier came gloriously close to equalizing with a shot against TeamCuzz's crossbar, Captain Shahrudin took matters into his own hands & confidently rounded the goalkeeper after a solo run from midfield. With time running out, TeamCuzz held on to their 2 goal advantage till the end.

Said stand-in manager Shikin, "It was a good game all around. Everybody had fun and we got the 3 points today. Although many played well, Saifuddin was the most impressive of the lot, providing stability in the back 4. Hyder certainly came a close second, with his imposing presence in midfield. Let's hope this continues for the next game."

TeamCuzz v FC Premier on 4 Jul - Abdullah, Faizul, Saifuddin, Khairi, Fazley, Fazlon, Luqman, Aril, Syukri, Imran, Hyder, Shahrudin, Amirul, Shukur, Haikal, Syafiq, Hafizzudin, Shikin (Manager)

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