Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All done in a day's work

With stakeholders all worried about TeamCuzz's possible dip in form following a 2-week break, TeamCuzz management went into action instantly to allay those fears. Plan A saw the team being rewarded with a new set of Adidas jerseys for their fine form. Based on a quick poll held a week ago, majority of the members opted for the Black and Green design. 20 jerseys were quickly snapped up by the Captain on one of his foray to the Prime Adidas store.

The winning design. Rumour has it that the colour was preferred to break away from TeamCuzz's norm of fairly bright jerseys. There was no doubt on the brand though - to follow in the footsteps of the Best Team in the World (think London, Blue, Russian, Kakuta).

The efforts to ease stakeholders' worries did not end there. Plan B was then put into action, with a kickabout planned for the weekend. However, yet another lack of favourable response meant another soccerless week for the team on a 6-game winning streak. Disappointing? Nah. An itchy foot will always find means to ease that itch. Flamboyant winger Naufal came in with an irressistible offer - 7 aside "league" from 12 to 3 am that very Friday night at Turf City for free!!!!

Within minutes, a roll call was conducted and the team assembled. Affectionately called, FC LastMinutePonJalan, this fraction of TeamCuzz comprised of Just-One-Goal-Conceeded Aril, GK Marvel Shahrudin, Dazzling Khairil, Tenacious Hisyam, Prodigy Syukri, Air Pul, Fire Zul & Absolutely Freakin Skillful Imran. Captain of the day, Naufal, opted to don the blue of Birmingham instead of the Waga red of TeamCuzz.

The excitement derived was well beyond words. It turned out to be a good kickabout session which saw TeamCuzz at their absolute best, tearing apart their 2 other opponents (Birmingham & QPR) with cutting-edge finishes. On top of that, their defensive organisation and flawless understanding made for a very good way to prove that the stakeholders' worries were unfounded. TeamCuzz went home worthy winners, with the tag "Undisputed Champions".

Although 4am was clearly shown on all faces of clocks, 4 members of TeamCuzz saw 4PM instead. Engaged in project ROW 2009, the 4 members were in for a quick sahur before conjuring some priceless sleep in the build-up to the main event at ITE Simei. Apart from the 4, there were a thousand other volunteers clad in green, happily doing their bit for the community. Camera lost-and-found, no-brainer-pressing-lift-buttons-job and Ashah's-volunteer-in-cubicle-greetings aside, the event was an eye-opening experience as none had been involved in such activities before. TeamCuzz would like to thank 4PM for the opportunity given. With the 3 most influential players in TeamCuzz history already paving the way, TeamCuzz's spokesperson hopes & believes that more would join in the coming years.

Italian IMrico liveRAN, together with the 3 most influential players in TeamCuzz history (of Central Asian descend).

And all of the above was done in a day's work, technically.

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