Wednesday, September 9, 2009

4 Selected for a Once in a Ramadhan Opportunity

In an unprecedented move, NASA's newly formed subsidiary, 4PM, will be sending astronauts from 3 ex-Soviet Union colonies and 1 from Italy on 12 September, Saturday. The much publicised "Ramadhan on Wheels 2009" Project will see 2 space shuttles named Latios flying into territories no man has gone to before, with the official launch being held at ITE Simei.

Although anonymity has been requested, an insider leaked some key information on the identity of the crew as well as the schedule for that day. Flying in Latio Silver #1977B ROW2009 will be Uzbekistan's ZULmiovic samiKHAIRI and Turkmenistan's FAZtooov wosLON. The other pair flying in Latio Black Gold Rims #5571R ROW 2009 are Kyrgyztan's SHAHftaz GregRUDIN and Italy's IMrico liveRAN. Apart from surviving through months of rigourous tests and uncompromising trainings, the 4 were selected as they met the criteria of being part of the best team in the world; a team only known as TeamCuzz.

All smiles are the 4 crew members of Latio ROW 2009 Project, posing with space shuttle 882737 - (left to right) ZULmiovic samiKHAIRI, SHAHftaz GregRUDIN, FAZtooov wosLON, IMrico liveRAN. The Italian's body had to be bloated to match the actual physical sizes of his Central Asian compatriots.

The 4 will be having the following schedule on that day. This info, labelled above Top Secret, is highly distorted to prevent any radio communication interceptions from the big headed, 3-eyed non-earthlings out there. (The 4 though should check their email for a more direct & detailed version of the itinerary).

Location: ITE Simei, Moon (Beneficiaries home), Planet (Giant Supermarket), Earth (Home)

Date/Day: 12 September 2009, Saturday

0830hrs - 4 to report to ITE Simei for registration. (Perhaps only 3, with FAZtooov wosLON joining slightly later at 0930hrs)

0900hrs - 4 will be taking a warm-up trip to the Moon to fetch beneficiaries. Exact coordinates of destination will be revealed upon registration. 4 will also be handed with $150 vouchers to hand over to beneficiaries.

1000hrs - ETA of both Latios with beneficiaries at ITE Simei. Beneficiaries will be registered while astronauts idle away like fasting zombies. FAZtooov wosLON should be on sight by then as well (ZULmiovic samiKHAIRI could possibly fetch FAZtooov wosLON on his way back from the Moon, or even before travelling to the Moon).

1230hrs - Blast Off. Latios will be heading to one of the GIANT planets for a shopping good time. There should be facillitators stationed at these GIANT planets since 4 did not go for proper "shopping" course.

1430hrs - Will leave the GIANT planet to deposit shopping groceries at the Moon. 4 will find some time to mingle with beneficiaries at the Moon.

1600hrs - 4 will leave Moon for Earth, with neither the beneficiaries nor the groceries.

An artist's impression of an image on the Moon at the end of the project. Pictures of the happy beneficiaries were ommitted for confidentiality reasons.

The schedule has been shortened due to special requests made by the 4. When questioned by the media, 4PM's representative, HAthiere NIlmar TAng (mix of Australian, Bazilian & Chinese descend) had this to say, "We've certainly made special arrangements to cater to the 4, so hopefully they can stay on schedule and all our efforts will be worth it. However, if the 4 ever changed their minds and wish to carry on their journey with us, they could still join the rest for a mass Iftar at ITE Simei at "look-at-your-own-Ramadhan-calendar" hrs. The menu for the Iftar is my favourite dish, "Nasi Rambang". All festivities are expected to end by 2100hrs, and hopefully by then too, smiles on the faces of the 252 family beneficiaries involved."

The move has been thought to be one that will irate Moscow, with a retaliation expected some time soon. That though, is never worth thinking about now, as the 4 counts down to their big blast-off.

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