Saturday, September 5, 2009

Are you ready?

Before you read any further, please be warned that some might find the content of this post disturbing. However, I am still going ahead with it for the slight probability of enlightening & reminding myself, and hopefully all you readers out there on the enornimity of the Creator. TeamCuzz is after all on a 2 week training stint in the holy 'city' of Istighfar ryte?

I was surfing youtube a couple of days back & came across this video that startled me. It is so startling that it is worth sharing. This was taken from a match between 2 Saudi Arabian football clubs, Al-Raed (red, duh!) and Hajer (white). Here it goes...

For a start, you could close that gaping mouth of yours and instead replace it with Subhanallah. Some might find it amazing, others terrifying. I shall point out neither is this a way to showcase this player's antics as a form of entertainment, nor is it to discourage you from playing soccer. But the impact it has is hoped to go a long way into reminding ourselves of a simple fact of life (the grim irony huh). What I am trying to bring across here in the form of images is similar to what our Ustazs have done since the very moment we step into our first religious class - your time could be up any time any place, and when it comes, there's nothing much you can do about it.

Let us then take this little moment in the holy month of Ramadhan to reflect on our lives. Have we prepared ourselves to meet the Creator? Have we done enough to secure a place in paradise? Have we hurt someone so bad that it could well deprive us of that very place we seek? Or simply, have we lost track somewhere along the way? This is by no means an exhaustive list but the beauty of such reflections is that you and only you will know, and what you do about it is between you and Him.

I am by no means pious myself, and my long-expiring MC from religious class is a testament to that. But as I've said, Im here to remind myself (and hopefully you too) of a fact which we simply cannot ignore. On this note, I would like to seek forgiveness from any of you for whom I might have hurt, knowing or unknowingly. And hopefully, He forgives me too if I have done anything wrong in this post, and all other deeds in my life.

What I have not mentioned though is that this player lived to see another day. The player suffered a series of seizures and was brought to a hospital, where he recovered, lived and played again in the very next game. What were you thinking? Well perhaps you were dozing off when your Ustaz mentioned another important reminder - when it is not your time, it is just not your time yet. For it is from Him we come, and to Him we'll return.

That, though, is besides the point. So back to our favourite question - What you gonna do? What you gonna do? *rips off yellow singlet*

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