Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Advantage Oysters

TeamCuzz's season looks to come to a disappointing end following their 2nd defeat in as many games. This time around, lady luck was certainly not in her mood to smile, with Oysters converting both their chances to bring home the 3 points. It was even more disappointing considering that TeamCuzz was playing in front of a sellout crowd of 10, 3 of whom could only watch from beyond the fence due to insufficient tickets. This is by far their highest attendance to date.

"It was not a bad game for us. Just a case of players being too fixed to the type of football we play whenever our first team is around. We've got to learn to adapt to the conditions, be it our players, the opponents, our tactics, the 'superb' official, the weather and even the pitch," said TeamCuzz's Manager.

Although he refused to blame anyone after the game, it has been reported that he will be dropping the whole defensive unit ahead of the second leg against Oysters. The defence has leaked a hefty 11 goals in just 5 matches, a stark contrast to the cleansheets that were recorded before the Ramadhan break. The first-team defence will be sent for a day of community service with the Singapore Police Force to reflect on their past performance. It is hoped that they'll come back stronger. TeamCuzz needs this defensive stability before they can reignite the confidence in them to start winning matches as they used to.

With the race for second spot not yet over, the Manager has thrown a challenge to his players to overturn the deficit. This means that TeamCuzz will need to better the 2 nil result suffered last weekend. It might seem like a difficult task, but never impossible considering TeamCuzz's potential.

In other news, TeamCuzz's match with Black Hawks this Sunday has been declared a walkover. No match will be played. TeamCuzz will be given a 3-nil victory and a credit note of 1 game for next season (Treasurer to note).

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