Tuesday, November 3, 2009


After a stunning streak of nine,
TeamCuzz is finally halted in her run.
Credit should be given to TGA,
for they fought/stamped/kicked us all day.

Joseph's presence was a major boost,
caused TGA defenders to mark him in twos.
But he still managed to break free,
scored the opening goal & smiled with glee.

But from then on we let our guard down,
a headed goal from Ian Hamilto(w)n.
And then from a quick counter,
our defender showed he's also a goalkeeper.

And with that the title slips,
unless Black Hawk buys Kaka & Ibrahimovic.
Even then it might not be sufficient,
coz Black Hawk lacks a Randy Orton.

But I have no regrets coz I played my heart out,
with every run, with every shout.
But here's a question posed to you,
Can you say the same? Can you really do?

The fall is painful as we flew high,
but that doesn't mean TeamCuzz should stop to fly.
Let's regroup & draft in the changes,
& vent our frustration on those sorry Oysters.

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