Thursday, November 26, 2009

Something to Ponder Upon

Were we that bad this season?? Something to ponder upon.

Email from Espzen Ops...

Dear Teams TGA Social, Standard Chartered Bank, Club Futbol de Galaticos and Team Cuzz:
As judged by your sporting peers, your team during Season 4 did not perform very high on the Fair Play league table, and definitely from the results collated there appears to be room for improvement, please do review with your team mates the importance of good sportsmanship. Tried and tested methods include:

1) Three cheers for your opponents after the game
2) Shaking hands after the game
3) Firm but fair challenges on the pitch
4) Reducing off the ball chat with the opponents

FIFA also offer some advice in this regard.

1. Play fair
Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns respect, while cheating only brings shame. Remember: it is only a game. And games are pointless unless played fairly.

2. Play to win but accept defeat with dignity
Winning is the object of playing any game. Never set out to lose. If you do not play to win, you are cheating your opponents, deceiving those who are watching, and also fooling yourself. Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones. It is an insult to any opponent to play at less than full strength. Play to win, until the final whistle. But remember nobody wins all the time. You win some, you lose some. Learn to lose graciously. Do not seek excuses for defeat. Genuine reasons will always be self-evident. Congratulate the winners with good grace. Do not blame the referee or anyone else. Be determined to do better next time. Good losers earn more respect than bad winners.

3. Observe the Laws of the Game
All games need rules to guide them. Without rules, there would be chaos. The rules of football are simple and easy to learn. Make sure you learn them; it will help you to understand the game better. Understanding the game better will make you a better player. It is equally important to understand the spirit of the rules. They are designed to make the game fun to play and fun to watch. By sticking to the rules, the game will be more enjoyable.

4. Respect opponents, team-mates, referees, officials and spectators
Fair Play means respect. Respect is part of our game. Without opponents there can be no game. Everyone has the same rights, including the right to be respected. Team-mates are colleagues. Form a team in which all members are equal. Referees are there to maintain discipline and Fair Play. Always accept their decisions without arguing, and help them to enable all participants to have a more enjoyable game. Officials are also part of the game and must be respected accordingly. Spectators give the game atmosphere. They want to see the game played fairly, but must also behave fairly and with respect themselves.

In any case, Tuas won the Fairplay award this season, deservedly so I suppose. With that, let's move towards their direction - being the organised team that warms-up 20 minutes before kickoff and plays professionally and with style, and most importantly, lose with dignity.

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