Monday, February 22, 2010

Captain's Injury Update

Having picked up an injury in the Oysters game, TeamCuzz's Captain will be out for several weeks. This was endorsed by Dr Aloysius Lee of TeamCuzz Medical Centre. Although the doctor has officially put it at 3 weeks, another doctor close to the player offered a second opinion and put it at a more conservative & realistic 4 weeks. The injury, attained to the player's left knee, has left the player on crutches for the time being. It needs considerable time to recover to prevent running the risk of being aggravated it further.

With this sudden turn of events, the TeamCuzz management has swiftly made changes. Beginning from the next game, the injured Captain will be the team's caretaker manager, leading his charges from the sidelines. He will be fully responsible for the team's formation and pre-match briefings. Manager Zulkhairi will be given a temporary break to fully focus on his football, while Vice-captain Shukur will captain the side. This arrangement will last till the Captain recovers from his injury, or if the Captain fails to deliver results as manager, whichever is sooner.

At the same time, the management has also made a quick collection from amongst TeamCuzz players and a small fraction of KH to spur the Captain on his road to recovery. The contributions was handed to the Captain's dad last Sunday, who offered his sincerest of appreciation to all for the gesture. Although the monetary contribution might not be much, it is TeamCuzz's way of saying you'll never walk/limp alone.

In other news, TeamCuzz has recently recognised and awarded some of her players for their outstanding achievement last season. Left Fullback Faizul Ayub received the "Most Improved Player" Award for his improved and consistent displays. The "Most Valuable Player" Award was picked up by Captain Shahrudin for his overall contribution to the team both on & off the pitch. Both awards, in the form of a trophy, were handed by TeamCuzz's owner, Mr Jan at a recent family event. The awards will once again be up for grabs this season.

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