Monday, February 22, 2010

Odd Goal Settles Clash of Titans

An early goal in the 10th minute settled the much anticipated second leg between juggernauts TeamCuzz & Blue Oysters. The result gave a significant advantage to Oysters, though the season is barely a third way through. Held in one of the more extravagant locations for an amateur soccer match to take place, the match was witnessed by a sell-out crowd of 4 - the Jurong Stadium field warden, cleaner and a pair of Tuan Gemok players who came too early.

TeamCuzz deployed a similar startegy as they did in the last match, with most of the play running through the middle. However, the sheer size of the pitch, coupled with incompatability of players with their newly dedicated roles meant the strategy fell flat. It became even worse when inspirational Captain Shahrudin had to limp off early with what looked like a bad injury picked up. Worse still, Oysters had already gone up by then, with a clinically taken goal by their winger in their first foray upfront.

However, TeamCuzz did fight back strongly, in particular after changes were made for the second half. Oysters were reduced to springing counter attacks as TeamCuzz played out most of that half in Oysters' half in their search for the equaliser. It was not to be though due to a combination of poor finishing and failure to outsmart Oyster's organised defensive line.

"The better team lost today, period," the cleaner said. "As much as the result disappoints me, the effort put forth by the players was good to see. This extends beyond the pitch as 5 players came to lend their support without getting any playing time. This spirit needs to be sustained as the season wears on."

Fans have also made it clear that they are tired of seeing TeamCuzz clad in yellow. Now that they have suffered a lost, they might consider changing their strip. It could do much good. It really would.

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