Monday, March 8, 2010

Midfielder Receives Off-pitch Accolade

In his TeamCuzz debut against Primero a season ago, TeamCuzz's fans had doubts as to the decision of deploying a relatively small-built player in midfield. A season later, those doubts have been completely quashed as the diminutive midfielder has firmly established his place in TeamCuzz. If you think his excellence ends there, then you are dead wrong.

Go to any provision shop now, buy today's Berita Harian and turn to page 3. The familiar face of Hyder Sulaiman appears. With 5A's to his name in the recently released 'A' level results, the ex-Meridian soccer star has become one of best Malays (by language) to excel in the exams. This academic achievement further boosts his resume, having been an integral member of his successful college soccer team. This goes a long way to prove the all-rounder that he truly is.

We congratulate Hyder for his achievements and hope he continues to excel in all other areas in life. Remembering that he and Joseph took time off their studies to play in TeamCuzz's Top-of-Table Clash with TGAS last season despite being in the midst of their exams, we are indeed relieved that TeamCuzz has caused no detrimental effect on the outcome of the results.

Hyder's startling achievement serves as a good reminder to us all, the young and not-so-young (note: whether you are the former or latter depends on your age relative to mine). Recreational activities are not just a leisure activity that serves as a distraction from our daily lives, that we only have time for when there is absolutely nothing else to do. It is just an equally important aspect in life that should not be chucked aside whenever time does not permit. Whether you have time for it is determined by how well you manage it, and how well you manage it is determined by how well you want to manage it. Bottomline, it is all up to you.

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