Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(Luq)Man of the Moment

The past weekend saw TeamCuzz's fanbase widened further by one thanks to Luqman. The part-time fullback, full-time teacher ends his bachelorhood as he wedded his childhood sweetheart Muslimah.

Luqman was part of the 11 who made TeamCuzz's Waga Red debut at Marina pitch eons ago. He might not have officially scored throughout his TeamCuzz career, but he still remembers scoring a goal while playing a referee-less match alongside some of TeamCuzz's players at Bedok View Secondary. En route to scoring the goal, he sprinted past a couple of opposing defenders before cutting back and shooting beyond the outstrecthed arms of the goalie. What was so special was that he was playing as a right back.

Through combining his never-say-die-attitude of Darren Fletcher, lungs of Claude Makelele and flair of Dani Alves, he firmly established himself as TeamCuzz's 1st choice right back during the early years. His overlapping runs were impressive and added another dimension to TeamCuzz's attacks. His willingness to learn was also a key factor that made him grow from strength to strength. However, injury blighted his career soon after, and he was forced to make cameo appearances from then on.

Known for running longer/farther in his warm-up routine than when on the pitch, Luqman has certainly been a key part of TeamCuzz, and we can only hope it continues. TeamCuzz wishes the newly-wedded couple a blissful marriage and welcomes Muslimah as the latest addition to TeamCuzz's WACs.

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