Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TeamCuzz Leaves it Late

TeamCuzz was in a generous mood in their latest fixture in ESPZEN's Saturday League Division 2 clash with Dynamites. Knowing that the opponents were very capable of stealing precious points from them, TeamCuzz challenged themselves further by giving Dynamites a man and goal advantage before setting the record straight.

TeamCuzz started a man less, as the venue was perhaps a tad too far to reach in time. The only people who came ahead of time were goalie Abdullah & brothers Shukur, Imran & Faizul. They were in for a great surprise as they realised the only ball they brought for the game was punctured. Instead of football, they had to settle for a warm-up takraw-style, which perhaps will make their dad really proud.

As more came in, TeamCuzz lined up in a 4-4-1 formation, with status quo being applied as far as possible except for Hyder (deployed in defence) and Hafizzudin (in midfield). Despite the numerical disadvantage, TeamCuzz still dominated, with Dynamites having only 2 chances on the break. Even then, it was well thwarted by the defence and stand-in GK Abdullah. However, that dominance, which could have easily put the scoreline beyond any reasonable doubt, was not converted into goals. The spoils were shared at halftime.

With a manager to provide his inputs during the break, TeamCuzz were more organized in the 2nd half. As they went in search of the goal to break the deadlock, they left gaps in defence. This was fully exploited by Dynamites as they scored against the run of play. It must be said though that the goalscorer probably did not even know he had scored as the ball trickled pass the goal line.

The goal sprang the game into life. TeamCuzz woke up instantly, and in the very next attack, drew level. Great work on the right by Faisal & Syukri left Syed free for a cross into the area. The fleet-footed winger took his time to aim and delivered a 'shross' that went straight in. A beautiful goal, and much deserved for a team who had been the only one attacking the whole afternoon.

As TeamCuzz went in search for the winner, their wastefulness and at times slack attacking play allowed the opponents to keep the scoreline in check. 5 minutes from time though, the much-anticipated goal came, once again courtesy of a 'shross'. Finding himself free down the left, Joseph Obaje delivered a pinpoint shot in the path of Syed who instinctively dugged to deflect the ball goalwards. The ball looped over the Dynamites goalie to the delight of TeamCuzz players & fans. They then held on to resist any attacks by Dynamites towards the end.

What a game it was, but certainly one that is not good for the heart. The result means that TeamCuzz continues to be hot on the heels of Blue Oysters, who once again convincingly dispatched their opponents. TeamCuzz needs to bear in mind they cannot afford to drop any points from now if they harbour any hopes of winning the title. And that includes coming, coming on time, warming up, having a pre-game briefing as well as taking every chance that comes their way and leaving none for the opponents.

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