Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ali-ing Our Way Back Up

TeamCuzz's latest game was one to forget, when the (un)mighty Greats stole precious points that caused a hiccup in the chase for top spot. With chances aplenty, and having the lion's share of possession throughout the game as well as support of parents/uncles/aunts from the sidelines, it must be said that the loss was our own undoing.

I take a large portion of the blame for missing the penalty, and I'm still bothered every time I think about it. But, I realise doing that will do neither me nor the team any good. Now that we've lost, the only thing is to make it right. It is now that we take stock to ensure we do not let the situation deteriorate. It is highly critical that we all make full use of this time to bounce back stronger the next time we take to the field. It is time to reflect individually and regroup collectively.

Our target for this season is to finish 1st, and after last Saturday, it hasn't changed one bit. No doubt the loss has dented our title hopes, but it is merely a dent. Till it is mathematically impossible, I still believe in achieving our aim, and so should every single one of you. Belief is the cornerstone of one's success, and we'll need lotsa it now. Now's not the time to say we will settle for 2nd place, for that's as good as surrendering when the battle's only halfway through. Now's the time for everyone to be committed to this belief, and rally behind this belief, just as The Champ did for himself.

Here's my take on TeamCuzz's recipe for success.

Freeze the pre-season belief till it is firm. Put that on a sturdy tray with unending commitment. Add a layer of player responsibility. Chop off player uncertainty. Beef it up with constant attendance. Spice it up with a constant number of 18 players per game for more options when needed. Add 2.30 pounds of earliness, and then a teaspoon of team warm-up and comprehensive pre-match briefing. Pour a cup of Fazlon's finest cold Rose Syrup before adding a tablespoon of yellow or black colouring. Use a TeamCuzz huddle to sprinkle the desire to win while removing the air of complacency. Add a quart of stamina. Then, add a pint of mesmerizing slick TeamCuzz football and garnish it with quality finishing. Add a pinch of support from family. Stir it up real well for 80 minutes before adding 3 cheers of sportsmanship right at the end. Finally, spread it over the span of the remaining 11 weeks of the season. Sense of achievement is guaranteed.

Please be reminded not to be too interested in the affairs of others. Focus must be to mend our own ways so we can improve ourselves. Up next is Team Fugu, a team that is highly capable of pulling off a surprise. The previous couple of matches has seen us floating around and mesmerizing opponents with our football abilities, just like a butterfly would. Now's the time to sting like a bee.

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