Monday, September 13, 2010

TeamCuzz enters CFL

It is official. TeamCuzz has registered for Casuarina Futebol Liga (CFL) Saturday League Season 1.

Speaking to the press, TeamCuzz's liaison officer for the league, Khairil Aziz, announced "CFL Organiser has informed me that our 1st match will be on 2 October. More details will be posted on CFL website by this Wednesday (15 Sept). Spread the word so we can prepare ourselves mentally and ration the food intake (especially during Eid)." We thank Khairil, for going beyond his duties as Financial Director of TeamCuzz, to source for this league.

With that, all players (in particular the management) are strongly encouraged to browse through CFL's website to be familiar with the rules and regulations of the league. Although 1st impression of the league (via its website) might suggest that it is not as professional as ESPZEN, the prospect of facing 7 new teams means the challenge still remains the same. This is very much likened to the SAMTAS league which TeamCuzz co-joined with MBOG in her first ever foray into competitive soccer. If that is anything to go by, then do expect high number of goals and plenty of dazzling skills.

To date, 19 (out of 25) players have given their verbal commitment to represent TeamCuzz in the league. This includes Fazlon, Faisal, Hisyam, Mohamad, Syukri, Zulkhairi, Anuar, Shahrudin, Saifuddin, Khairil, Naufal, Riduwan, Syafiq, Shukur, Imran, Faizul, Haikal, Haziq & Aidil. As much as the numbers seem high, TeamCuzz do lack a goalkeeper apart from last season's 3rd & 4th choice Zulkhairi & Riduwan. TeamCuzz is also under no illusion that all 19 players are able to come for every single game. As such, this reporter is of the view that TeamCuzz still needs to beef up their squad with ideally 3-4 more players. And these names should be suggested and considered early before the season commences so the team has a good spread of players in every position. That said, current TeamCuzz players who have yet to affirm their commitment are still welcomed, but are advised to give their confirmation soon before more players are drafted in.

TeamCuzz will probably be looking to hold a kickabout and/or 'makan' session sometime before 2 October for a simple get-together to reward players of the past season and charter new goals for the upcoming one. That night will also see the unveiling of jersey numbers for the new season as well as surrendering a lump sum of money by all players to our Financial Director as payment for the entire season. While the exact amount to be paid is still yet to be confirmed, TeamCuzz seeks everyone's cooperation to bring the cash that night to avoid the slight financial disruptions encountered this season. In the meantime, it is strongly advised that each TeamCuzz player play their role in getting physically fit and mentally strong for the 14-game long season.

In the spirit of Eid, I would like to end by wishing all players & supporters a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. May we always remember that for every argument on the pitch, for every shout from a fellow player and the sidelines, and for every sigh that accompanies a mistake, it is all done in the heat of the moment and should be forgotten once we step off the pitch. Coz Cuzz blood never die.

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