Monday, September 27, 2010

Pre-season Checklist

The countdown has now begun. By now, every TeamCuzz player should be physically and mentally ready to tackle a new set of oppositions in the CFL. Here's a checklist to see how ready you are for it.

1) Have you jogged/ran 2.4 km at least once since the end of the league in June?
2) Have you washed your boots/socks since your last game?
3) Have you checked that you have the similar color/model of shin pads on both sides?
4) Have you checked if there are any holes in your socks?
5) Have you bought black shorts/pants and socks?
6) Have you prepared upfront payment for the league?
7) Have you rescheduled all dates on Saturday to before 3pm or after 7pm?
8) If you are working on Saturdays, have you applied for leave?
9) Have you thought how you are going to celebrate when you score a goal?
10) Have you been to CFL's league website and read its rules & regulations?

> 7 'No's - Thank God we have extra jerseys. Just so you can use them to hide your head in shame.
6 - 7 'No's - Typical. Get rid of the 'war,warm chicken poo' attitude and get going. NOW!
4 - 5 'No's - Soccer is just like Dikir Barat. You cannot rely on doing things at the very last minute and expect a wonderful performance,can you?
2 - 3 'No's - Well done, that is a commendable start. I take 'commendable' away if question 2 is one of your 'No's.
1 'No' - Wow, this is impressive. You're on par with me. That is equivalent to saying you are good-looking, cool and super skillful.
0 'No's - Congratulations, you are officially TeamCuzz's biggest Liar! The Financial Director has not even announced how much each player is supposed to pay, so how would you know how much to pay?!?!

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