Saturday, October 9, 2010

TeamCuzz's Revival Shortlived

Well ok, the title might be a little off, but hey, if you put both matches together as if they are one after another (just like how this post will report it), then it makes a whole lot of sense.

TeamCuzz started off their CFL campaign with a win and a lost, scoring 5 and conceeding just as many. With the exception of letting their opponents draw first blood, TeamCuzz's performance were in stark contrast to each other.

The first one showed TeamCuzz's desire, putting in a startling 2nd period 2nd half performance to snatch victory from under the young noses of Realty Park side. Syukri notched a hat-trick then in his first full-game performance in his newfound role as TeamCuzz's out-to-out striker, capitalizing on errors by the opposing defence and putting his predatory instincts to good use. Haikal had earlier equalised at the end of the 1st half.

The second was a little disappointing for players and fans alike, with TeamCuzz conceeding defeat in what some described as "pathetic". Throughout 80 minutes, TeamCuzz never had any grip on the game. As much as credit should be given to the opponents for their effective play, TeamCuzz didn't have that similar desire to push forward. Or have that clinical edge to kill off the opponents, with the notable exception being Shukur's some say perfect, others say surprisingly perfect header after much good work from Faizal and Shahrudin down the right.

Above all, if the first 2 matches are anything to go by, then CFL is certainly not a "walk-in-the-park-league" that many would have thought. Tough games await TeamCuzz as she continues her stride towards developing a team who plays beautiful football sportingly and furnish their Pengerang cabinet with trophies.

Note: special thanks to Hisyam & Zulkhairi (who came but did not manage to notch any playing time) as well as Syafiq, Fazlon & Anuar (who had little playing time).

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