Monday, December 13, 2010

TeamCuzz Updates

TeamCuzz enters the dawn of a new era as significant changes are made within the team. In light of the departure of ever-present left winger lim tong HAIKAL to MGFC (we wish him and his new team the best of luck for the new season), TeamCuzz has signed a new left winger in the form of Ali Fandi. The move was made to bolster TeamCuzz's depth as well as blood ties. Although the winger's ability is still unproven at this level, fans can be assured that sufficient opportunities and support will be provided for him to be drafted into the team comfortably.

On top of that, TeamCuzz also made 2 other important loan deals by capturing right winger Faizal Halick and veteran custodian Fendy. The duo put pen to paper on a season-long deal, with a permanent contract subject to their performances during the season. New manager, Shahrudin, was thought to be so impressed by the duo that he signed both of them without even taking a look at their abilities, somewhat similar to Alex Ferguson's capture of Bebe (though we sincerely hope the outcome is not the slightest bit the same).

With that, TeamCuzz has a healthy squad going into the new season, with at least 2 players in contention for every position within the team. It will be interesting to see how Manager Shahrudin tackles the challenge of juggling TeamCuzz's competitiveness in their quest for glory while ensuring team (& family) spirit is maintained for the entire season (and beyond).

In other news, TeamCuzz's break continues during the holiday season, with a select few given the chance to take a trip to their native roots to find peace in the rural town of Pengerang. Likened to BPL players' visits to children hospitals this time of the year, the 8 - Zulkhairi, Fazlon, Hisyam, Faisal, Khairil, Luqman, Imran & Syafiq - went all out to provide their assistance by doing some painting, cementing , sawing and even replacing a main pillar of what seemed like a dilapidated rest-house.

Top left to bottom right: Half-finished product. The 4 men responsible for the (horrible) product. Finished product. Using simple elimination & logical thinking, one can uncover the man responsible for the (simply stunning) product.

Note: Not forgetting Faisal & Syafiq who were deployed to do other tasks elsewhere.

Some lessons learnt on the trip:

1) Patience is virtue. Never lose it, whatever the scenario.
2) TeamCuzz shall NEVER EVER wear red & gold strip (for the most obvious of reasons).
3) Monopoly deal is for all ages, even for dads with 4 kids, each.
4) Walking soccer is tougher than running soccer, so never ever walk on the pitch.
5) Experience counts, so never say one is too old for anything, especially one who is 91 years of age.

COUNTDOWN to the new season: It is still early, but we might soon regret we did nothing while it is still early. Might. Regret.

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