Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cuzzpang for Muhammad

TeamCuzz's break from weekend soccer can only mean 2 things - it is CNY or a Cuzz is getting married. This week it is the latter, as TeamCuzz celebrates Muhammad ending his bachelorhood and settling down with his childhood sweetheart. We welcome Ms Sharmila as the latest addition to TeamCuzz's WACs, and wish a blissful marriage to the couple.

Muhammad was arguably the first ever rock-solid defender to don TeamCuzz's jersey. Being sligthly more 'senior' than his fellow cuzzs, he used his vast footballing experience to good use in marshalling from the back. He was likened to Marcel Desailly, where despite his moments of eccentricity, was often a player whom many can rely on to get the job done. Having made 26 appearances for TeamCuzz in various defensive positions like centreback, rightback and defensive midfield, Muhammad came close to scoring his 1st ever TeamCuzz goal in a 3-4 loss in a friendly against RilFrens FC at Bedok South Sec. His latest appearance was in the match against RedsagaII a couple of weeks back, where he formed a formidable partnership with Riduwan to guide the team to a slender win.

As a mark of support for this TeamCuzz warrior, TeamCuzz players will be accompanying Muhammad with their Kompang-hitting and Nasyid-singing antics on his big day. This will be the biggest test yet for TeamCuzz this season, with much trust and expectation placed upon them by their main/only sponsor, Keluarga Harmoni. It is hoped that everyone involved will give their fullest commitment to the cause, including being at the practise session/s on Friday, listening to the song and memorizing the lyrics that go with it.

Selamat Pengantin Baru - Hiijaz
Bila dua hati dah terjalin
Selamatlah pengantin kami doakan
Moga redha Allah bersinar selalu
Tanda bermula bahtera hidup

Dalam melayari bahtera rumahtangga
Ada masa tenang dan masa gelisah
Jangan nafsu diikut melulu
Sabar dan kemaafan itu perlu

Beginilah resam manusia
Tak lari dari ketentuan Ilahi
Suami ketua isteri pembantu
Menongkah hidup saling berpadu
Susah dan senang hadapi bersama
Moga kekal ke anak cucu /hingga ke syurga

Selamat Pengantin Baru (x2)

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