Tuesday, January 26, 2010

GK's Name Shrouded in Mystery

Fans of TeamCuzz have been left confused as to the latest event that have struck the football club. As one of 2 summer signings made in the close season, TeamCuzz's goalkeeper, Edmund, has certainly brought a fair amount of certainty to the team's backline. The same can't be said of his name though.

Introduced on his debut against Saturday Pirates as Ah Seng, the goalkeeper has a few aliases under his belt now. He has been registered as Edmund Low on ESPZEN's website while his name on this website has constantly fluctuated from Edmund Loh to Edmund Wong. To make matters worse, the manager even thought he got the wrong player, thinking the player he signed is a certain Edmund Wee (from God knows where). Judging by the outstanding saves his custodian made in the last game, he must have been relieved for making that mistake.

In a press conference held yesterday, the goalkeeper had this to say - "Ey hello. My name is Edmund Wong, not Edmund Low." He burst into extreme laughter from that juncture onwards.

"Outarageouseous!" said the owner of TeamCuzz's official store, 67 year-old Belarusian Krysmiziak Quostus. He has been made to print and reprint the goalkeeper's name countless number of times above the number 34 that bears the goalkeeper's name. TeamCuzz's jersey sponsors have also been unhappy by this unfortunate event. While FBeeT have pulled out due to this controversy, Salmeeng & Adeedas have jointly released an official statement that they will be refunding any fan who have bought the jersey that bears a wrongly spelt version of the GK's name. Although it seems noble on their part, reports have surfaced that there had been zero number of purchased jerseys bearing the GK's name since his arrival.

It's official from this point on. Ah Seng, Edmund Loh/Low/Wee shall be history. Edmund Wong's the name. Or is it Ong?

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